In this post you will find how to setup Cocoapods into your Objective-C application project.


Cocoapods is an open-source dependency manager for Objective-C applications. By using Cocoapods you can find and use many usefull libraries that will help you in making a great apps.


Cocoapods is written in Ruby. To install Cocoapods, you can simply run:

sudo gem install cocoapods

Setup project

After creating your Objective-C project, in your project directory you can run:

pod init

That command will create file named Podfile. You can specify your dependencies in that file. Then run this command to setup your project and install the dependencies.

pod install

Now you should open <your-project-name>.xworkspace to open your project.

Search dependencies

To search a dependency you can go to Cocoapods, or run:

pod search <keywords>

Add dependencies

You should add your dependency into Podfile.

platform :ios, '7.1'

pod 'AFNetworking', '2.0'
pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK', '~> 3.10.0'
pod 'your-dependency'

After that run:

pod update

By running that command cocoapods will install:

  1. AFNetworking with version 2.0
  2. Facebook-iOS-SDK with version 3.10.0 or version up to 3.11 not 3.11 or higher
  3. your-dependency with lastest version

Notice that in Podfile you can specify the version of a dependency you use. The other ways to specify dependency version:

  1. '~> 2.0' means version 2.0 and version up to 3.0 not including 3.0 or higher
  2. '> 2.0' means any version higher than 2.0
  3. '>= 2.0' means any version higher than 2.0 including 2.0
  4. '< 2.0' means any version lower than 2.0
  5. '<= 2.0' means any version lower than 2.0 including 2.0
  6. '2.0' means version 2.0
  7. leave blank means latest version


  1. Install Cocoapods
  2. Find libraries/dependencies that suit your needs
  3. Tell Cocoapods to install your dependencies
  4. Have fun

