Mobile Development: Cocoapods
Cocoapods makes Objective-C developers happy
Handling Muddy Controller in Laravel
This is the post about how to handle the muddy controller in Laravel 4.2
Introduction To Laravel
This is Sharing Knowledge Material About Laravel Framework for Web Application
Chrome for iOS is not like what you think
Chrome for iOS is (not) Chrome. It adopts Webkit browser engine and Nitro javascript engine and literally is a Safari with different skin
Discovering Tools: Migration
Migration is a tool to help you to manage your database changes. Migration lets you develop application without worrying the database structure across every developers.
Cakpres - Hackathon Pemilu
This is the post about cakpres - online multiplayer trivia game
Discovering Tools: Capistrano
Capistrano is the solution to this manual deployment problem. Deploying your code is as easy as runnning a single command from your local computer. Let's start.
Upgrade Your Gear: PHP
Upgrading has a long standing reputation for being not a trivial task to do.